Monday, November 1, 2010

Halloween Fun!

Zepherin stays entertained for a bit longer now while I do the dishes!

This past Friday we had a "trunk or treat" at church.  The kids all dressed up and after a
delicious chilli dinner they all went out and "trick or treated" from the trunks of all our
cars in the parking lot!  Here's Hunter as a magician in the parade beforehand.  You can
see a bit of Spiderman-Gary in there and Felicity the duck!

And here's Nathan as Posiedon.  He's certainly our little "Greek God Guru". 
He loves anything Greek!  It's so much fun!

Another shot of Hunter.

All the kids in costume

I'm feeling more than a tad sorry that I can't eat chocolate right now...!

There's so much of it in our house!!

Carving pumpkins and a few acorn squash on Halloween at Grandy and Papa's house.

Gary and Ben

His little shirt says "I'm a little corny".  So cute!

Nana-lee really enjoyed passing out the candy!

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